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What up Heifers?

 Jesus Loves you!

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus"

Image This is gonna sound like the chorus of Sweet Brown’s YouTube Remix of “Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That” before I’m through.  “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”  Though I’ll be using His name as an exclamation of wonder rather than to express the amazement that my house almost burned down with me inside it.

Unbeknownst to many it was Shamu, not Jesus, that brought me back to God.  I dreamt of training Killer Whales since I was 14.  Thirteen years later that dream became reality.  For years I listened to naysayers and dreamkillers that said it is impossible.  In 1992 when I heard about a Marine Biology Class offered in the Bahamas; a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon.  I took the class and began to dream again.

I would find myself at Texas A&M Galveston the next semester, pursuing a degree in Marine Biology.  I was one step closer to swimming with Shamu.  God had placed the dream on my heart.  satan was planning too.  That same semester I began dating a guy, who was the son of a Baptist minister.   I knew I was supposed to be pursuing Jesus and not a gay life, but life was on my terms now.  Luckily, God showed up on our first date in a simple conversation.  Jason began to talk about his life.  “I grew up Christian, but I knew I was gay”, he said.   “I had to choose between the two.  I chose gay”.  Jason’s statements echoed in my head.  No sooner had he said, “I chose gay”, than the Holy Spirit said, “That’s not an option for you”.  My spirit agreed.  My flesh continued to wrestle with the dilemma of Christianity and my homosexual desires for years.

I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 10 years old at youth camp.  Yet even after my angry and ugly, teenage years, Jesus held on to me.  When I became a rebellious, misbehaving adult, he directed my paths.  I always looked for fulfillment in the arms of other guys, but it was Jesus Christ that gave me what I was searching for in December of 1998.

The final, fateful prayer I would make as a gay man went something like this.  “Jesus I‘ve tried for 10 years to make my life work.  I have schemed and planned and lived life like I wanted.  I’ve gotten nowhere.  I am giving you the reigns of my life now.  Take control.  Let’s see if you can make it work.”   It was a desperate cry for help swaddled in a prideful challenge to God.  Thank You Jesus for seeing the state of my heart.

I have a friend who says he didn’t leave gay because it was bad.  He left gay, because He found something better.  I have to agree.  If you are gay and proud and have wandered across my blog, please keep reading.   Before you label me a bigot, a hater or even an ignorant Christian, know this.  I was once where you are now.  I was bullied, teased, judged and rejected.  I believe a lot of things about myself that God didn’t.  Regardless of the debate in the world today, Jesus Christ loves you.  He is crazy about you.  If you have known Him before and fallen away, He wants you back.  If you and I disagree, it doesn’t matter.  Jesus is the only thing that matters.  He is the key to having a fulfilling life.  If you’ve been searching, let your search end with a prayer to Jesus.  It needn’t be eloquent or scripted.  Yell. Scream. Whisper.  Sob.  Forget the debate in the world.  Remember the Savior of the world.  Tell Jesus what you want.  Tell Him what you need.  Trust that He sees your pain.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16

There is a God Who has the ability to transform your life and change your circumstance.  Romans 4:17 “…God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.”

Romans 10:13  “for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

“Hey!,” Small Town Preacher

Endless Search?