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What up Heifers?

 Jesus Loves you!

The Coast is Clear

The Coast is Clear

I am one of those church people that regular people deem crazy. I raise my hands, sing out loud with all my tone-deaf might and I dance and sway when the Spirit moves me. If I went to a concert and did all that, people would just call me a super fan of the band. Because of the venue my actions wouldn’t seem odd. You might even join me. The same actions in a church generate labels and character assassination. Even though I am a Christian who loves Jesus and looks similar to any average, enthusiastic concert goer.

COVID seclusion has the world living like mole people, watching sports on TV, streaming concerts from the couch and movie premieres on hardwood floors rather than red carpets. No matter how much online “access” we get, nothing is as immersive as being “front and center” at a live event. The smell of fresh popcorn, stadium hotdogs, the spine-tingling, THX, “blow your toupee off” sound system, or the roar of a crowd witnessing a historic play all enhance and deepen the experience.

I have traveled to Iceland, Hawaii, Alaska, Brazil, Dubai and even Kazakhstan. Nothing is more exhilarating than being 20 feet from humpback whales, feeling the subtle sway of the world’s, tallest building from the 125th floor, seeing the leaning tower of Piza, viewing the David, getting a neck cramp staring at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, standing on an actual glacier, filming giant river otters in the wild, or pressing through the sheer terror of swimming in piranha infested waters.

I am sure you have experienced your own brand of adventure. I ain't braggin'. Just saying, when our experiences are:





the memory of them does more to feed the heart, mind and soul, than simply watching someone else living out the life we crave on a screen. Being there in the flesh does something to enhance your senses, creating an indelible, three dimensional impression in your brain.

After a year and half on the road, I got to physically attend my home church. I am an extroverted introvert, but need time with my church family. I need to be present with my pastor as well. Keystone Church has been a huge area of comfort and support on my journey. When I can’t attend in person, I watch online.

COVID cautions have caused a lot of people to watch church online. satan is a master distractor. 1 Peter 5:8 says that satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour. He hunts like a lion. Lions chase down their prey, instilling fear, using fear tactics to separate and isolate individuals from the herd.

satan has used COVID to instill fear, isolate, separate and devastate church attendance. Churches don't need your money. They need your presence.

When I attended church in the flesh. All my senses were stimulated. I was affected; changed. I felt the presence of God. Right emotions were generated after weeks of feeling YECH. There is something OTHER about attending church in the flesh as opposed to watching online. When I am in my home, I get distracted by a million things. When I am worshipping in person in my church, I am focused on God. I have made the decision to travel to a place and meet God, to focus on God, to set aside time to be with Him. I put myself in a place where people like me are focused on worshipping the Creator of the Universe: broken people, hurting people, people who have been hurt by church, ex-gay people, ex alcoholic people, all people!

Some will say, “I don’t need to go to church. God is everywhere.” That statement may wax true, but it’s an excuse that keeps us from the full complement of the Christian life. What would a concert goer say if I said, Why go to a concert? You can listen to that band anywhere. You would hear a litany of reasons why attending in the flesh provides the ultimate experience.

You and I both know, that there is something different about hearing the band live and experiencing the joy and enthusiasm of other sold out fans.

Sitting there that Sunday, the power and presence of God were palpable. I felt Him. I sensed Him. I needed that after living in this unprecedented time. That seat I occupied in my church generated a richer, more genuine experience than the one I sat in watching from home. The writer of Hebrews 10:25 challenges us not to give up meeting together, like so many already have. But meet up, encourage one another, Do life together! In other words, do not let the devil, fear and mass hysteria be the gods you bow down to.

The time is over for sitting at home. Come back to church. Come gather in the presence of God. God wants to bless you a thousand ways to sunset. If you have returned to your other normal ways of life, why not return to the one place that will make the only REAL difference in your life.

My church, Keystone Church, meets at the Studio Movie Grill near Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville resort on 192 in Kissimmee, Florida. There are plenty of seats for all size butts and all kinds of hearts. And if you need to meet with Pastor Ed, he just went full time, so come one come all. He is wiling to hear your hurt and process with you. He wants you in our church, because he has seen what God can do in the life of those who surrender to Jesus.


Come be a part of something wonderful and life altering!

Homosexuality. A Sin?

Homosexuality. A Sin?

Death of Sin

Death of Sin