I want to share some scriptures that demonstrate how valuable we are to God that my dad shared with me many years ago. These scriptures frame the last few months of my life as I place the care of my life in God's hands. Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
About a month ago, I saw a company replacing a roof near my house. I always slow down a little to judge and watch the progress. I have seen several roofing jobs over the years take a week to finish. I always wondered what happens if they tear off the roof and it rains. In the process of watching this latest company tear the roof off and put on a new roof, two to three days elapsed. I have watched roofers for years, because secretly, I was shopping. I took note of this latest company and called a few days later. I praised them for their workmanship and the speed at which they finished the roof. I set up an appointment and the Owner of the company showed up at my house. I answered the door and there stood an older gentleman with gray hair pulled back into a long ponytail, wearing a very large skull necklace. Not what I expected, but he had a soothing voice and immediately you could tell there was something different about him. He introduced himself and then asked who my insurance company was. I had no idea. It threw me off. What a strange question.
He went outside to look at the roof. After 10 minutes he returned. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked, "Why did you need to know who my insurance company was?" With a big grin, he said the words that made 2013 a whole lot sweeter for me.
"Because we are going to have them replace your roof for you." I'm sure I looked more confused than John Boehner after he found out Obama got reelected. Anyway. He explained the problems with the roof and how my homeowner's policy was going to pay to fix them. I had originally called him for an estimate, knowing that I didn't have the kind of money required to fix the roof. In fact, a few days prior, I called to ask Wells Fargo about a home equity loan. I haven't heard that much laughing since I asked Pam McGlothlin to my senior Prom.
By the way, the gentleman's name is Ken. His company has been around for 40 years. When he came into the house he complimented the scriptures I have on the walls. It led to a conversation about the ministry we do here at the house. I then realized why Ken was different. Ken is a Christian. He says his company is in the business of helping people. He kept saying that. But big companies don't help people. Or do they?
About a year ago, some friends of mine told me to write down the things I needed from God for the house. I wrote down a new roof. I didn't hold too much faith that God was going to get me a new roof. Then I found Ken. Well Ken left. I was excited, but doubt began to creep in. Was this too good to be true? People would say it was. I still wanted to believe this was answered prayer.
A few days later, I went on a prayer walk around the neighborhood. I was praying about the roof amongst other things and trying to be thankful. The doubt steadily crept into my prayer. Almost immediately, I heard God, "Will you stop doubting?" It was the tone of voice where you think the next thing he's gonna say is "I got this!". He didn't. I didn't need him to. That first statement was enough. I didn't want to doubt, but I've had so many disappointments lately. Doubt was kind of a reflex.
God said "stop doubting". I set about on a course of not doubting. I began to be thankful for my new roof. It was so hard. I kept on believing. At one point I felt like the man in Mark 9:23-24 who brought his demon possessed son to Jesus for healing. "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes. 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
A few days ago, a huge check in the mail. No, not Publisher's Clearing House Big, more like 5 numbers right on a Powerball Ticket Big, but the amount is not the point. God answered a prayer. A huge prayer. I am getting a new roof and he managed to throw in new ceilings as well. God didn't stop there.
I knew beyond that I need to sell my truck and get a car. I knew that shopping for a reliable, used car is like trying to find a full set of teeth at the Waffle House. I began to pray about it. I prayed specifically that God would get me a car that would get me from A to B. A few days later, I ran into a guy at work that told me he was selling a 2000 Honda Accord. In his description of the car, he described it as a good, little car that'll get you from A to B. Simple words of coincidence. Nah! All God! One simple phrase was what I asked for in prayer. Within three weeks I was driving that Honda. And it, is amazing!
I could keep going. I won't, but I could. Well maybe just one more story. God was kind enough to make a connection for me at work that allowed me to receive a free buddy pass on Southwest Airlines. I used the ticket in order to go see my father. He recently had a heart attack and surgery. I was able to see my family. I was able to be with my dad and brother on the anniversary of my mom's death. I couldn't afford the ticket on my own. God provided. My days off changed three weeks prior and were surprisingly perfect for the trip. Once again. All God.
I am looking at these gifts as little deposits of what God plans to do this year in my life and with the house ministry. I am working on my surrender "muscle" in order to serve Him better. I couldn't tell you what full fledged surrender looks like. I can tell you that I am scared to death. And unless you have done it people, spare me the 'do not be afraid' speeches. I will get there in God's timing. I said I was scared, I didn't say I wasn't going through with it.
I am just thankful. God is providing not because I am amazing, but because I am being obedient with my home, my life and the blessings He has given me. God provides for this house ministry, because there are people who need it in their lives. Praise God. Thank you Dad!! You are awesome!
Matthew 10:32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.